Your Compassionate NDIS Service Provider in Sydney
As NDIS providers in Sydney, we take the well-being of our participants seriously. This makes us one of the most reliable organisations around. If you are a participant, we will discuss your requirements with you and your family. Doing so helps us understand the challenges better and provide care likewise. Besides, you can expect our support workers to arrange interactive activities such as indoor games to drive monotony away.
Ablepoint Australia combines a compassionate
attitude with actual competence
Ablepoint Services are well-equipped to help anyone who needs assistance from an NDIS provider, no matter their disability or ability. In addition, we have extensive experience working with people with specific needs. These specialties include Mental Health Supports, complex needs clients, and clients with criminal convictions.

You can get assistance ASAP. Call us at: 1300 088 549 or use the form below to send us an email:
Are you looking for a new NDIS provider?
Ablepoint Australia is dedicated to assisting you in obtaining NDIS funding, gaining access to support services, and achieving a better, more independent life.
You can get assistance ASAP thanks to our quick referral response time of less than a week.
As an organisation, we are preferred by most due to the quality of support services that we offer. Since we are experienced in this domain, we can manage participants proficiently, irrespective of their disabilities. In addition, we follow our personalised support plans to make our supports more efficacious. All in all, our professionalism and holistic approach to care are the two aspects that make us so popular. However, if you need more details about any of the services that we provide, do not hesitate to connect with us.
Our Services
Core Support
Our kind caregiver may visit your home and assist you with self-care activities such as meal preparation, cleaning, and…
Group Accommodation
With between two and five residents per house, our supported living arrangements provide our residents with superior accessible homes…
1:1 Accommodation
This is when an individual may need a greater degree of help. In this strategy, Ablepoint Australia works with you or your loved one to improve…
Community care services are intended to help people who need care and support to live with dignity…..
Short Term Accommodation offers the chance for a person with disability to enjoy a stay away from their family home…
Supporting independent living and SDA (Special Disability Accommodation) is incredibly important to us because we understand how much …
Why Choose Us As Your NDIS Disability Service Providers in Sydney?
- We have created a company-wide awareness of the COAG agreement between government agencies and their complete involvement inside the National Disability Insurance Agency, as well as the funding implications for all agencies
- We boast trained and experienced support workers who assist participants with care so that they can reach their goals
- We provide an array of disability support services for participants and assist them with the development of daily living and life skills
- We provide 24/7 services for participants to make their lives easier
Frequently Asked Questions
We also work with many clients who speak diverse languages and come from different cultural backgrounds, also known as CALD clients. In fact, 60% of our clients and 80% of our Support Workers are CALD individuals, much higher than average so you will feel welcome from the very first phone call.
Ablepoint Services are well-equipped to help anyone who needs assistance from an NDIS provider, no matter their disability or ability
Yes, AblePoint is an approved NDIS Provider. Being a Registered Provider means a business has met the NDIS requirements and quality standards to provide a product or service to the community.
Not all types of support required by a person living with a disability fall under the responsibility of the NDIS . Some supports are funded by other areas of government (e.g. state health systems) or existing public/community services.
Once you have an approved plan, you will nedd to choose service providers who will need to choose service providers who best suit your needs.
If you are eligible, you will need to call NDIS on 1800 800 110 to request an Access Request Form.You may need input from your GP or medical specialist as well as copies of any assessment, healtcare reports or other forms of evidence to support your application.
We also work with many clients who speak diverse languages and come from different cultural backgrounds