Community Service Support
Community care services are intended to help people who need care and support to live with dignity and independence in the community and to avoid social isolation.
Community Participation
The assistance we provide is created by you, for you. Choosing who will supply those services and support is part of this process. We provide a number of support program that can help you connect with the community and leisure activities in your area. We can also put you in touch with local GPs, dieticians, physiotherapists, psychologists, and a variety of other support services.
How can we help you?
We will find and match you with one of our Direct Support Professionals based on your shared interests. Our aim is to support you to achieve your unique goals and aspirations and to help increase your sense of independence as a valued and participating member of the community.
The main aim in providing community care services is to enable people to remain living in their own homes and to retain as much independence as possible, avoiding social isolation. Local authority social services provide community care services or arrange for them to be provided